23 nov 2010

Classical Conditioning

Ivan Pavlov:
1) He wanted to make a dog salivate without food, by conditioning the dog.
2) He gave the dog at first food, then he gave the dog food and rang a bell, when he conditioned the dog with this for a few weeks, he could make the dog salivate onl with ringing the bell, and not giving the dog food.
3) The conditioned stimulus was the bell or the light turned on, the unconditioned stimulus was the food, and the conditioned response was the dog salivating.
4) Extinction is a gradual weakening and eventual disappearance of the conditioned response tendency, this extinction occurs by many presentation of conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus.
5) It is a response to a specific stimulus becomes associated to other stimuli (similar stimuli) and now occurs to those similar stimuli.
6) Is learning to respond to one stimulus and not another.
7)  A) He had to re-route the salivary glands.
B) And the results with humans could be different than the ones with dogs.
8) That we learn through association.
John B. Watson:

1)  Watson chose Albert from a hospital, Little Albert was the name of the experiment, he was 9 months. At first Watson gave Little Albert, monkeys, white rat, a dog and a rabbit, even a furry mask, at first Little Albert showed no fear, then Watson gave Little Albert a small rat, he played with the rat, and didn’t show fear, but then everytime Little Albert had the rat, Watson rung a loud and annoying noise that made Little Albert cry, and doing that for a couple of months, every time little Albert had the rat he would cry.
2) The CS was the white rat, the US was the loud noise and the CR was Little Albert crying.
3) The limitations were that the experiment was unethical that it couldn’t be done again.
4) The Law of frequency says that the most times the events are linked the most strong the response will be.
5) The law of recency says that the response that has most recently occurred is the reponse most likely to be associated with that stimulus.
6) He thought that he could turn someone into whatever he wished to if he could controlled the behavior. He also believed it was all psychological.
-Rodrigo Estevez

2 nov 2010

Article 3, Performing under Sleep Deprivation: It´s in your genes

This study was made by, Cell Press, Antione Viola, and Derk Jan-Djik. The method of this study was the following; scientists applied the two different types of genes to two different groups of people, the short gene and the longer gene. At first they were allowed to sleep, then they were only granted to 4 hours of sleep, then they asked questions to both groups and recorded the answers and made many observations. The result of this study was that the group with the longer gene did worst than the short gene in all the tests. This was a very interesting article, although I had to read it 2 times so that I could get the theme and what the article was talking about, but it was a good fact to know about, and I enjoyed it a lot.

-Rodrigo Estevez

Article 2, Being a Night Owl In High School is Linked with Lower GPA scores

One of the persons who lead these experiments was Jennifer Peszka from and American Academy of Sleep Medicine. This study was made by comparing 89 students, some that were going to start their freshman year in an art college, and others that were ending freshman year, 17-20 years. The results of these studies were that if you don’t sleep enough your GPA is most likely to be below a B and those who have good sleep are over a B. This is a very interesting article, that it could really move students a lot, I think that if every student read this article they would sleep more and have better sleep, because what every High School and College student want is good grades.

-Rodrigo Estevez

Article 1, Starting school 1 hour later reduces teen car crashes

The people that are responsible of making this study is Science Daily and American Academy of Sleep Medicine. The process of making this study was a long process; it took many students to enroll in the experiment, and 2 years of observations. This first started in 1998, were above 6,000 students made a survey in Kansas, telling how much they slept in school and non school nights, the next year above 10,000 students made the survey again. After this second survey school in Kansas was delayed one hour. So this experiment was practically just observing how students drove when school´s start was delayed one hour. The results of all of these observations were that students drove well with more sleep, and this would reduce all of the teen car crashes. When I opened this article and read the title, I found it really interesting, it only took for me to read the title so I could read the entire article; honestly this was a very interesting article and a very interesting fact to know about.

-Rodrigo Estevez