Who Was Phineas Gage?

Phineas Gage was a handyman who suffered a terrible accident in his brain; due to this he promoted a huge advance in the study of the brain. His accident was a very rare one, he was a railroad handyman who in a job was working in a mine, they wanted to make a railroad and his job was to put dynamite in the mine and pressure it with sand with a metal tube, one day he forgot to put first the sand and he pushed the dynamite without sand with the tube, this caused a spark and this caused the dynamite to explode, and the metal tube went up in his face and went through his face and to his brain and the tube just went through his head, this made him a hole in his brain and face, he lost his eye and part of his brain, all of this happened to him, but surprisingly he survived the accident. They say that at the moment Gage was talking, he was conscious every moment of the accident. Because of the accident he was not the same person anymore, he was mad all the time and was not a person which people liked to be with. He lost his old job and couldn’t maintain one for a long time. He was not the same person anymore he changed his mood since the accident. This accident benefit science in proving that if the front lobe was damaged it could make personality changes, social skills, and emotions, before this accident happened front lobes were considered non functional part of the brain, and with no relation with the human personalities. Brain localization is a term that states that the brain controls everything in your body, such as your vision, movements, and processing information. Brain lateralization is used when people try to separate the brain in two parts. Because both parts of the brain, the right and left side do not look alike.

-Rodrigo Estevez
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