30 sept 2010

Teenage Brain

As said in the video, the teenage brain is a very complex brain, although it has the same parts as an adult brain, all the functions work in a different form, and the last part of the brain to develop in a teenager is the frontal lobe, and this lobe is the one who controls emotions, mood etc. That’s the reason that teenagers are really confused about what they are feeling, love? They think they are in love when they are not, they feel happiness when they are not supposed too, or humor when they are not supposed too, and sadness when they are not supposed to feel sadness. Teenagers are really difficult when it comes to their mood, they may be very bipolar because of the frontal lobe that is not fully developed. Teenagers don’t use their brain at the level they are supposed because they are thinking in things they are not supposed to think while they are in school etc, that’s why teenagers need a lot of sleep, and less work, because if teenagers don’t sleep much, they are making lots damage to their brain. In conclusion, the use of the teenage brain, is as tricky to understand as a baby brain, the only difference is that it is more developed.
-Rodrigo Estevez

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